
Showing posts from January, 2022

Art & Copy

  In your own words, describe the style of Hal Riney's ads how his childhood experiences may have shaped his style. Hal uses the term “Pokey”. What does that slang term mean? Explain how the phrase “Let’s do it.” inspired a famous company slogan. Does this change your view of this famous slogan? Why or why not? What was the initial concern with the “Got milk?” campaign? Research “Got milk?” images online. Which one do you identify with most and why? Post image on your blog. Explain how the typography, color, and image choices are effective (or ineffective). Describe the Tommy Hilfiger billboard. What were Tommy Hilfiger’s concerns about it. Describe how this film showcases the value of creativity in business, marketing, and innovation. 1. I would say Hal Riney did a great job of painting pictures in his ad and really drew you in.  2.  Pokey means jail. 3.It helped create the slogan for nike "Just Do It" No even though it was from a killer. It is still a great slogan. 4. 

Social Media

These were pretty easy to make because of the tutorials. The text box ones were fairly simple because of it wasn't much work to do. However the farmers market and ice cream graphics took me awhile to figure out. With the ice cream i tried to follow the same template as of the farmers market graphic.  

Mood Board Bryce

  This assignment was to create a board with pictures to describe who we are. This can include activities we do, where we're from, and more.

Pirates Creative Department & Graphic Design Types

 Pirates Creative Department 1. How are the scoreboard graphics designed? I think that one of the interesting email exchanges was when he discussed the graphics for the scoreboard. This is because i'm surprised that much work is put into something as simple as a scoreboard. How competitive is the field of Graphic Design? I was also very surprised how competitive the job field is for graphic designers. I always believed that was a job where jobs would always be very available. What applications/programs do you use most frequently? Lastly, i thought that the response about what programs they use was pretty interesting. I would've thought they would use something other than photoshop which is something just everyone can get and use. 2. The type of graphic design i would be most interested in would be the marketing and advertising designs. Mainly I would want to create graphics and infographics for sports teams or like a sports blog/ Media Page.I most would want to be creating some